Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is always committed to quality research. In line with the institute’s vision in research and development, the faculty members are actively engaged in the research of the following core topics in electrical and electronics engineering
- Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering
- Renewable Energy Systems and Smart Grid Technologies
- Power Electronics and Drives
- Electrical Machines and Electrical Vehicle Technologies
- Control Engineering and Robotics
The department has acquired projects from several national agencies such as DST, AICTE, MNRE, BRNS, UNSW Sydney, Horizon Solutions Ltd, Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate change, Ministry of Earth sciences, etc. As of 2023, the department has successfully completed 15 projects worth Rs.2.73 crore and is currently executing 5 projects worth of Rs. 1.67 crore.
The department has obtained consultancy form several organizations for solution providing, design, product development, etc worth 46 lakhs. As of 2024, the department has successfully completed 7 consultancies worth Rs.29 lakhs and is currently executing 5 consultancies worth of Rs 17 lakhs.
The outcome of the faculty research is published in major research journals indexed by Clarivate Analytics. In the last five years, the department has published over 255 international journals which include IEEE transactions, magazines, letters, IET, Elsevier Journals. In addition to this, the faculty research has also been published in reputed international conferences in India and aboard. The research outcomes are also published as 12 Patents by the department faculty and students, of which 7 has been granted.
The students are also taking up internship offers from PSUs of the government of India and several other institutes of national importance.