At SSN, pushing the boundaries of knowledge is a vital part of a truly progressive academic culture. Research in current, new and especially emerging areas will ensures that the nation is prepared to meet its future challenges and needs. To encourage active research in SSN institutions, a Research Advisory Council has been formed to steer research initiatives and encourage faculty and students to realize our founder Shiv Nadar’s vision that they should rise to the level of Nobel Laureates.
The Council is chaired by Shiv Nadar, Dr. Raj Reddy, Prof. Damodar Acharya, Dr. R. Natarajan and Dr. N. Balakrishnan all noted scientists. Our skilled, qualified faculty is encouraged by the Management to initiate research, with the ECE, EEE, MECH, BME, CSE, IT, CHEM, English Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry departments being recognised research centres under Anna University. Concrete support for research is also provided in the form of Junior Research Fellowships and Senior Research Fellowships and stipend shall be provided to the scholars. We also extend the use of selected research facilities to scholars from other institutions and organize national and international conferences to facilitate a healthy exchange of ideas benefiting the larger academic community. We also encourage our faculty to seek external funding for research. We have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan for the exchange of academic staff, exchange of students for higher studies, exchange of academic course materials and research collaboration. A collaborative project on “Growth and Characterisation of Crystalline Materials” has been undertaken jointly by Centre for Crystal Growth, SSNCE and National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi.
“The World’s Longest Crystal” project supported by SSN Institutions has been initiated and the crystal is showing signs of successful growth features. SSN Institutions has also signed MOUs with Infosys Technologies Ltd., HCL Infosystems Ltd., HCL Technologies Limited and IBM for carrying out research projects. This institutional support of research has resulted in a steadily growing harvest of research papers and several patents in the pipeline, with more to come in future.
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