May 6, 2020
Dr. Tanusree Sengupta – Assistant Professor
Dr. Tanusree Sengupta
M.Sc, PhD
Assistant Professor
Contact: Office Extn: 238
- BSc, Chemistry, Scottish Church College, Calcutta University, Kolkata, 2000
- MSc, Chemistry, Calcutta University, Kolkata, 2002
- PhD, Biochemistry, Bose Institute, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 2008
Professional Experience
- Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, SSN College of Engineering, 2016-till date
- DBT-BioCARe Fellow, Dept. of Biotechnology, IIT Madras, 2013-2016
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, Dept. of Biochemistry & Biophysics, UNC at Chapel Hill, USA, 2009 – 2012
- Postdoctoral fellow, Dept. of Physiology & Biophysics, Case Western Reserve University, USA, 2007- 2009
Research Interest
- Protein purification and characterization (structural and functional)
- Peptide-lipid interaction
Professional Recognition:
- Recipient of ‘Reach the World’ travel grant to present paper in ISTH (International Society on Thrombosis &Haemostasis) meeting 2022 and 2017 held in London and Berlin respectively.
- DBT-BioCARe Fellowship by Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India
- CSIR-NET Fellowship, 2001 December.
External Funded Project and Consultancy
- “Characterization of Novel Mutants of Human Protein Z-dependent Protease Inhibitor (ZPI): Potential Therapeutics for Hemophilia” funded by DST-SERB, Department of Science & Technology. Govt of India. (2022 Feb-2025 Feb) in the CRG (Core Research Grant) category. Sanctioned amount: Rs 60.46 lakh jointly with IIT Madras.
- “Role of PZ-ZPI anticoagulant system on COVID-19 associated coagulopathy”. Google Cloud Research credit was awarded for 365 days by Google Cloud Research credits Program for carrying out computational work on the above mentioned project (Jun 2021-June 2022).
- “Understanding the Structure Function Relationship of the Natural Anticoagulant ZPI, a Member of Serpin Superfamily”-funded by DST-SERB, Department of Science & Technology. Govt of India. (2018 Jun-2022 Jan) in the ECR (Early Career Research) category. Sanctioned amount: 34.62 lakh.
Recent Publication
- Mirdha L, Sengupta T, Chakraborty H. Lipid composition dependent binding of apolipoprotein E signal peptide: Importance of membrane cholesterol in protein trafficking. Biophysical Chemistry.2022, 291, 106907.
- Chellam Gayathri S, Gupta S, Suresh A, Senapati S, Sengupta T. Effect of variations in the conserved residues E371 and S359 on the structural dynamics of protein Z dependent protease inhibitor (ZPI): a molecular dynamic simulation study. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. 2022, 40(14), 6405-6414.
- Sengupta T, Majumder R, Majumder S. Role of vitamin D in treating COVID-19- associated coagulopathy: problems and perspectives. Molecular Cellular Biochemistry. 2021, 476, 2421-2427.
- Sengupta T, Koklic T, Lentz BR, Majumder R. Phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylethanolamine regulate the structure and function of FVIIa and its interaction with soluble tissue factor.Bioscience Reports.2021, 41 (2), BSR20204077.
- Chatterjee S,Sengupta T, Majumder S, Majumder R. COVID 19: A Probable Role of the Anticoagulant Protein S in Managing COVID-19-Associated Coagulopathy. Aging. 2020, 12, 15954-61.
- Personal Home Page:
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- ORCID-ID: 0000-0002-6828-667X
- Scopus Author: