April 29, 2020
Dr. R. Priyadharsini – Associate Professor


R. Priyadharsini is working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. She has more than 21 years of teaching experience. Before joining SSN, she worked as an Assistant professor in Eswari Engineering College.
She received her Ph.D. (2019) in Computer Science from Anna university under the guidance of Dr. T. Sree Sharmila. M.E. Computer Science and Engineering (2008) from Anna University, B.E. Computer Science and Engineering (2000) from Madras University. She received University 12th rank in her post-graduation degree from Anna University.
She is a recognized supervisor under Anna University. She is currently guiding 1 full research scholar in the domain of computer vision. Her teaching interests include Image processing and analysis, Computer Vision, DBMS, Data Mining etc. She has published 38 articles in both journals and international conferences.
She has organized and has been part of conducting several workshops, Smart India Hackathon, Faculty Development Programme and International conferences at SSN. At the department level, she has been coordinating the NAAC and UG NBA activities. She has served as resource person and delivered talks in various Engineering colleges.
Areas of Research
Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Machine Learning
Selected Publications
1. R. Priyadharsini, Dr. T. Sreesharmila, Dr. V. Rajendran, “Acoustic image enhancement using Gaussian and laplacian pyramid – a multiresolution based technique” in Multimedia Tools and Applications, February 2017, Springer, DOI 10.1007/s11042-017-4466-7, IF:2.577, ISSN: 1573-7721.
2. R. Priyadharsini, Dr. T. Sreesharmila, Dr. V. Rajendran, “A wavelet transform based contrast enhancement method for underwater acoustic images” in Multidimensional System and Signal Processing, November 2017, Springer, DOI 10.1007/s11045-017-0533-5, IF:2.030, ISSN: 1573-0824.
3. R. Priyadharsini, A. Beulah, T. Sree Sharmila, “Optic Disc And Cup Segmentation In Fundus Retinal Images Using Feature Detection and Morphological Techniques”, Current Science Journal, Vol. 115, No. 4, 25 August 2018,IF: 1.102, ISSN: 0011-3891.
4. S. V. JansiRani, Kumar, P.S., Priyadharsini, R. et al. Automated weed detection system in smart farming for developing sustainable agriculture. International. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, August (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13762-021-03606-6, IF: 2.86
5. R. Priyadharsini, T. Sree Sharmila,” An Efficient Edge Preserving Interpolation Method for
Underwater Acoustic Image Resolution Enhancement”, Archives of Acoustics, Clarivate,
Vol. 47, No. 2, pp. 267–274, IF: 1.043, DOI: 10.24425/aoa.2022.14165, June 2022
6. Adithya Vikram, Anusha Chandrasekaran, S. K. Srinithyee, R. Priyadharsini, “Forensic face image generation and recognition”, Romanian Journal of Information Technology and
Automatic Control, ISSN 1220-1758, vol. 32(3), pp. 85-94, September 2022.
7. Priyadharsini.R, Sharath Chander Pugazhenthi , Shivaani Krishnakumar and Soundarya
Jayakumar, “Outcome Prediction for One Day International Cricket Matches”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.13(74), October 2022.
8. R.Priyadharsini, T. Sree Sharmila. “Underwater Acoustic Image Denoising Using Stationary Wavelet Transform and Various Shrinkage Functions.” ELCVIA Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis, Vol 20, no. 2 (2021). https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/elcvia.1360
Funded Projects
1.S. Manisha, R. Priyadharsini, A. Beulah, T. Sree Sharmila, “CYBORG for Object detection”, 18 months, Budget: Rs.1.26 Lakhs, SSN trust, 2018-19
2. Dr. S. V. Sivapriya and Dr. R. Priyadharsini, “Prediction of shallow type landslide influenced by rainfall using ANN”, 18 months, Budget: Rs. 2.00 Lakh, SSN trust, 2019-20
Student’s Projects Funded by SSN Trust:
1. Advanced manoeuvre detection and alert systems (AMDAAS)
2. Wild Animal Intrusion detection from Forest into residential area using sensor platform
3. Voice enabled personal assistant robot for the visually impaired
4. Weed detection and removal by robot for precision agriculture – Using image processing techniques
5. Intellectual and adaptive multi terrain convertible quadruped (IAMTCQ)
6. IoT based air pollution monitoring and forecasting system
7. Self Defence System for Children
8. Smart glass with audio for assisting visually impaired
9. Robotic arm for an Hexapod
10. IoT based intelligent waste management system
11. Foreign Object Debris Detection
Consultancy Works
1. Image Processing software using Stereo vision technology for the measurement of the wheel Angles and Distances, Manatec, Puducherry
2. Optimised surface preparation for building construction, Caterpillar India Pvt. Ltd, Chennai, India
3. 3D reconstruction for photogrammetry, Vimana Technologies, Bengaluru
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