June 2, 2020
Dr. K. Sampath Kumar – Professor
School of Management
Dr. K. Sampath Kumar
Dr. K. Sampath Kumar
Email [email protected]
Ext : 285
He is a member of CII, ICWAI, ICSI, IIB and other reputed institutions. He has attended various workshops and training programmes apart from conferences and seminars at national and international levels and has presented many papers. He was an editor for the book titled “A compendium of essays on Opportunities and Challenges in the Current Global Business Scenario” published in 2011. For the subjects, Merchant Banking and Financial Services and Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, he was the content developer for Everonn Limited. He was also involved in organizing two Management Development programs at SAIL.He is a member of CII, ICWAI, ICSI, IIB, and other reputed institutions. He has attended various workshops and training programs apart from conferences and seminars at national and international levels and has presented many papers. He was an editor for the book titled “A compendium of essays on Opportunities and Challenges in the Current Global Business Scenario” published in 2011. For the subjects, Merchant Banking and Financial Services and Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, he was the content developer for Everonn Limited. He was also involved in organizing two Management Development programs at SAIL.
Educational Qualifications
BA (Economics), BGL, M.Com., MBA (Finance), MBA (HR & Marketing), M. Phil., CAIIB, ACS, FCMA, Ph.D., NET – Management, NET — Commerce
Work Experience
Industry: 26 years, Academics: 17 years
Teaching Interests
Accounting, Finance and related subjects, International Business Management.
Research Areas
Mutual Funds
Courses Taught
Accounting for Management, Financial Management, Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, Merchant Banking and Financial Services, Corporate Finance and other subjects such as International Business Management, Advertising & Sales Promotion, Engineering Economics, Principles of Management, Banking, Commercial Law, etc.
Journal Publications
Thiruvenkadam T, Sudarsan Jayasingh, K. Sampath Kumar, Panchanatham. N (2020), Role of Government in Accelerating Indian Economy’s Transition Towards A Resilient Energy System in India, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 8, June (2020), pp.3854-3861 (Scopus)
Kavitha Muthukumaran, K.Sampath Kumar, Vijaya Mani published a paper titled “Distributor’s Views on Digital Services of AMCs in Chennai” in International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume 8, Issue 9, July 2019, pp 1307 – 1313 [Scopus Indexed]
Dr. Sampath Kumar K, Vijaya Mani, Kavitha M, published a research paper titled ‘Human Resource Accounting and Valuation Practices in R and D Institutions’ in Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Volume 11, 03-Special Issue, pp 1301-1309, April ,2019. (Scopus Indexed)
Dr. Sampath Kumar K and Dr. Kavitha M, “Performance analysis of select companies in IT Sector” Eurasian Journal, Special Issue, Dec. 2018 (Scopus Indexed)
Thiruvenkadam. T, and K. Sampath Kumar, (2018) “Organizational Climate for Innovation and Creativity” BVIMSR’s Journal of Management Research, Vol. 10 Issue – 2 : October: 2018, pp 165-173. ISSN: 0976 – 4739. (ProQuest) (Ebsco)
Mr. Asokumar & Dr Sampat Kumar presented a paper titled ‘Managing the New Product Development Process in a cost optimisation software module in an Automobile Industry at Chennai- A Case Study’ at the National Conference for Mechanical Engineering Research organized by SSNCE, on 31.3.2017. (Scopus)
Conference Publications
Sampath Kumar K and Kavitha M presented a paper titled “A study on Digital Payments system with perspective on Customer Adoption” at the 3rd International Conference on Technological Mapping of E Commerce in the Global Perspective on 27th and 28th December, 2018 at Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai.
Sampath Kumar K and Kavitha M attended a conference titled ‘International Conference on Advancements in Technology, Business and Management,’ at Sathyabama University on 27th March, 2019.
Dr. K. Sampath Kumar and Dr. Kavitha M presented a paper titled ‘Perception of Investors towards deployment of Mutual Funds’at the International Conference on Prism of Possibilities organized by Loyala College Feb 10th 2017.
Dr. K. Sampath Kumar and Dr. Kavitha M presented a paper titled ‘Perception of Customers towards E Banking Services at the ICSSR Sponsored National Conference on Economic & Social Science Development “Managerial Issues in Modern Business Environment organized by MEASI Institute of Management on 21st Jan , 2017.
Dr. K. Sampath Kumar and Dr. Kavitha M presented a paper titled ‘Strategies for identifying and reducing the frauds in E-Commerce at UGC sponsored one day International conference on Innovative & sustainable business practices organized by DOMS , Univ of Madras on Feb 10,2017
Dr. K. Sampath Kumar and Dr. Kavitha M presented a paper titled ‘Performance Analysis of Select Companies in the IT Sector’in the 2nd International conference on Managing the Metamorphosis of making in India in the Global Era –Roadmap and Challenges Ahead conducted on 21 st and 22nd December ,2017 at Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai.
Sampath Kumar and Ms. Vasumathi , “Investors’ perception towards equity market” in International Journal on Global Business Management and Research, ISSN 2278 8425,Vol 7, Issue 2, Feb. 2018- UGC Journal list.
Kavitha M, Dr. Sampat Kumar, “Macro Economic Factors on Sensex – An Impact Study’ International Research Journal of Business Management, Jan, 2018, Vol 11, Issue 1 pp 21-31.
Membership in Professional Associations
CII, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India, The Institute of Company Secretaries of India and the Institute of Banking & Finance.