June 2, 2020
Dr. K. Aravinth – Research Scientist
Research Centre
Research Scientists
Email: [email protected]
Extn: 479
Dr.K.Aravinth, Research Scientist in the SSN Research Centre has 5 years research experience in the field of Crystal Growth. He got his B.Sc and M.Sc. in Physics from Muthyammal College of Arts and Science, Rasipuram. He has finished his Ph.D. in the field of crystal growth in Anna University, Chennai. He has a wide experience on the synthesis and growth of organic, inorganic and semi-organic materialsand instrumentation for materials characterizations. He worked in a DST funded project as a Junior Research Fellow for 3 years and later he got Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in SSN Institutions for 2 years. He has published 50 papers in Refereed International Journals and presented 5 papers in the various National/International conferences. In August 2013, he presented his research papers in the 17th International Conference on Crystal Growth – ICCG 17 held at Warsaw, Poland. He is a life member of Indian Association for Crystal Growth. Currently he is working in the field of energy harvesting piezoelectric materials.
Major Area of Research:Material Sciences
Research Interests:Piezoelectric, Thermoelectric, Solar Cells, Rechargeable Batteries, Hydrogen Energy, Optoelectronic Materials
Sponsored Projects
- Growth of salt-inclusion chalcogenides and different- Composition chalcogenides single crystals and Raman spectroscopic studies on these crystals (DST-SERB) Rs 31 Lakhs (2023-26) (PI)
- Design and Development of 800 Kg multicrystalline silicon mc-Si directional solidification furnace and silicon machines for making commercial size mc-Si wafers (DST) Rs 12 Crore (2021-24) (co-PI)
- “Development of ultra-low thermal conductivity high performance thermoelectric TIBiSe2 and TIBiS2 Single crystals” SERB Rs. 23 Lakhs (2028-2021) (PI)