April 29, 2020
Dr. J. Bhuvana – Associate Professor


J Bhuvana serves as an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. She has more than 24 years of experience in teaching. Before joining SSN in 2006, she worked as an Assistant professor in AVC College of Engineering for 8 years.
She completed her BE in CSE from the University of Madras in 1998. She received her ME in CSE from Annamalai University, Chidambaram in 2004. To her credit, she is the first rank holder in ME with First class and Distinction. She received her PhD from Anna University, Chennai in 2015 under the guidance of Dr. C. Aravindan, Professor & HoD, Department of IT, SSN College of Engineering. She has investigated the design of Memetic Algorithm with Automatic Termination Scheme and Preferential Local Search using Adaptive Weights.
She is a recognized supervisor under Anna University. She is currently guiding 1 full time and 3 part time research scholars in the domain of computer vision. Her teaching interests include Operating Systems, network security, information security and cryptography. She has published 34 articles in journals in international conferences. She is a member of the Machine Learning Research Group of the institution and Image processing group at the department level.
She has organized and has been part of conducting several workshops, Faculty Development Programme and National and International conferences at SSN and also at AVCCE. At the department level, she has been coordinating the NAAC and UG, PG NBA activities. She has reviewed several papers in international journals and conferences including WICV-CVPR and IEEE transactions on Artificial Intelligence. She has participated in international shared tasks such as ImageClef, Mediaeval, FIRE and mentored students to publish more than 15 papers since 2017. She has served as resource person and delivered talks in Deep Learning in several workshops and FDPs including ATAL FDPs and Short-Term Training Programs (STTPs). She has served as a jury and evaluated projects in Toycathan and Smart India Hackathon since its inception.
Areas of Research:
Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Multiobjective optimization
Selected Publications:
1. Bhuvana, J., T. T. Mirnalinee, B. Bharathi, and Infant Sneha. “Efficient generative transfer learning framework for the detection of COVID-19″ Computer Science and Information Systems 2022. IF: 1.09 ISSN / eISSN: 1820-0214. (Web of Science)
2. Seyezhai Ramalingam, Muthuselvan N.B and J. Bhuvana, “A Study and Review of Classical, Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods of Software Reliability Estimation for Safety-Critical Systems”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.13, Issue 76, 52452-52467, February 2023 ISSN: 0976 – 0997. Clarivate, Impact Factor: 1.988. (Web of Science)
3. Bhuvana. J , Mirnalinee. T. T; An approach to Plant Disease Detection using Deep Learning Techniques, ITECKNE ISSN: 1692-1798 (Print) ISSN: 2339-3483 (Web-Online) Vol 18 No 2 (2021) . https://doi.org/10.15332/iteckne.v18i2.2615 (Web of Science)
4. Bhuvana, J., and Chandrabose Aravindan. “Stopping criteria for MAPLS-AW, a hybrid multi-objective evolutionary algorithm.” Soft Computing 20, no. 6 (2016): 2409-2432. (Web of Science)
5. Bhuvana, J., and Chandrabose Aravindan. “Memetic algorithm with Preferential Local Search using adaptive weights for multi-objective optimization problems.” Soft Computing 20, no. 4 (2016): 1365-1388. (Web of Science)
Funded Projects:
Title : Wildlife surveillance for monitoring agricultural fields and residential
Organization : SSN Trust
Sanctioned Amount : Rs.3.25 Lakh
Status : Completed (2019 – 2021)
Investigators: Dr. J. Bhuvana, Dr. T.T. Mirnalinee
Title : Edge Computing based real time smart surveillance system
Organization : SSN Trust
Sanctioned Amount : Rs.3 Lakh
Status : Ongoing
Investigators: Dr. T.T. Mirnalinee, Dr. J. Bhuvana
Student’s Projects Funded by SSN Trust:
1. IOT Based Smart Agriculture, July 2018.
2. Biometric voting system, November 2018.
3. Synchronized security system, May 2022.
4. Smart Blink: Smart home automation using eye movement for disabled, May 2022
5. Project Sanjaya – Live visual assistant in physics lab, February 2023
6. Vehicle sound sensing and classification system for Auditorily Impaired drivers, February 2023
Consultancy Works:
1. Reengineering Wheel balancer application for Manatec India Ltd.
2. Generating Machine Productivity data using Video Analytics for Caterpillar.
Professional Bodies:
Life member of ISTE.
Member of IEEE and ACM.
Google Scholar: