- Wi-Fi enabled classrooms with Laptop and projection facility.
- Department Library.
- Industry Institute Partnership Cell (for self-learning, sponsored by AICTE)
- Centre for Product Development (sponsored by SERB)
- Design and Fabrication Lab (sponsored by AICTE)
- Academic Labs for UG:
- Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Practices Lab
- Design Thinking and Engineering Practices Lab (Workshop)
- Manufacturing Processes – I Lab
- Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Laboratory
- Mechanics of Solids Laboratory
- Manufacturing Processes – II Lab
- Metrology and Measurements Lab
- Thermal Engineering Lab
- Industrial Analytics Lab – I
- Fundamentals of Heat Transfer Lab
- Dynamics Laboratory
- Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing Laboratory
- Mechatronics and Automation Laboratory
- Industrial Analytics Lab – II
- Computer Aided Engineering: Simulation Laboratory
- 7. Academic Labs for PG
- Industrial Modeling and Simulation Laboratory (PG Manufacturing)
- Casting and Welding Laboratory (PG Manufacturing)
- Robotics and Automation Laboratory (PG Manufacturing)
- Additive Manufacturing Laboratory (PG Manufacturing)
- Applied Heat Transfer Laboratory (PG Energy)
- Fuels and Energy Systems Laboratory (PG Energy)
- Solar Energy Laboratory (PG Energy)
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (PG Energy)