Laboratory Facilities
The department is well equipped with diversified laboratories comprising ten dedicated laboratories for the undergraduate students, three dedicated laboratories for the Postgraduate students installed with a variety of software catering to the curricular needs of the students and four Research labs with cutting-edge hardware for working in the areas of Machine Learning and Distributed Big Data Systems. A state-of-the-art Boston 128GB GPU Server with 2 nVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU (32 GB) is also available for pursuing research work.
The laboratories include:
- Operating System and Network Programming Lab
- System Programming Lab
- Software Engineering Lab
- Windows Programming Lab
- Graphics and Multimedia Lab
- Java Technology Lab
- Digital Systems Lab
- Microprocessors Lab
- Web Technology Lab
- Post-Graduate (PG) Lab – I
- Post-Graduate (PG) Lab – II
- IoT lab
- High Performance Computing Lab
- Open Source Lab
- BIRAC lab
- SDN lab