Mechanical Engineering is one of the core fields of Engineering, covering Thermal, Design and Production streams. From automotive to production, from engine technology to air conditioning and from designing to fabricating, Mechanical engineering has a lot of scope for Research, Development and Employment. Hence the focus of the department is to bring about an all-round development of the student to create a strong foundation for generating research and technology professionals in the field of Mechanical Engineering.
The curriculum for B.E. Mechanical Engineering includes:
- Technical English
- Matrices and Calculus
- Engineering Physics
- Engineering Chemistry
- Problem solving andProgramming in Python
- Engineering Graphics
- Complex Functions andLaplace Transforms
- Fundamentals ofMechanical Engineeringand Practices
- Environmental Science
- Engineering Mechanics
- Basic Electrical andElectronics Engineering
- Statistics and NumericalMethods for MechanicalEngineering
- EngineeringThermodynamics
- Fluid Mechanics andMachinery
- Manufacturing Processes I
- Mechanics of Solids
- Universal Human Values2: UnderstandingHarmony
- Kinematics of Machinery
- Manufacturing Processes II
- Thermal Engineering
- Metrology and Measurements
- Material Science &Engineering Metallurgy
- Dynamics of Machines
- Computer Aided Designand Manufacturing
- Design of MachineElements
- Fundamentals of HeatTransfer
- Total Quality Management
- Design of MechanicalDrives
- Mechatronics andAutomation
- Automobile Engineering
- Optimization Techniques
- Industrial Practices
- Robot Technology
- Finite Element Analysis